baru beli pg tadi untuk adik n kwan².korang da beli blom.? kalo blom bek korang g beli.
skali skale g la support team Malaysia kat stadium.!
AFC Final
Posted by nomal at 10:49 PM

Posted by nomal at 11:14 AM
Favorite Movie.!

Posted by nomal at 10:43 AM
19 Dec 2010
arghhh, birthday die da dkat nih. ak msih befikir nk bg ape. hehehehe sngal nye pkwe.
sesiape ad idea bernas bole lah sumbang an kat aku idea korang tu ek.
Posted by nomal at 10:21 AM
Aku tak bodoh.!
Aku tgok the making cerita nih kat tv ptg td. Berdasarkan pemerhatian ak r, rasenye mcm best, ak suke tgok cerita berunsur kekeluarggan nih, kadang² ad terkena dgn kehidupan harian kite.
senag cite, Filem nih wajib tonton seisi keluarga banyak pengajaran yang boleh kita dapat dalam masa yang sama komedi dia memang terbaik.
same² la kite tgok ye.
Posted by nomal at 10:26 AM
I love you
Somebday someone might come into your life and love you the
way you've always wanted. If your someday was yesterday,
lear. If your someday is tomorrow, hope. If your someday is today, cherish...
I'm like a shadow. I'm always here to accompany you every step of the way. But
do you know the difference between a shadow and me? I'd still be here even if there's no light to shine anymore...
if only i could reach the rainbow,i would pull it down and put your name on it,
then put it back in the sky so people would know how colourfull my life has benn with you.
if death would need one more soul and he ask me to choose between you and me,
what i'm gonna is ask him for one more minute then i'll hug as tight as i could and tell death,"lets go i'm ready"
i'm scared to care too much,
to miss too much,
to feel tht rush once more,
to love again at the risk of getting hurt.
but what i fear most is thethought of you leaving me,
when i've already conquered those fears for you.
Posted by nomal at 3:03 AM