aahhaha.kua ngn adek n kwan2 ak.
bia la die nomal.
nk bwat pe pon.
tawo ati da.
cri org laen la plak.!
Posted by nomal at 3:04 AM
sakit hati
pe perasaan korng.kalo kwn ko tau ko admire kat seseorg.
tp die lbih2 lak ngn org tuh.?
sakit ati x.?
kalo sakit.
same la ngn ak skrng nih.
ak fiki die mmber je.
slalu lpk same.
tp x an membe bwat mcm nih kat membe.?
nk ak mrah die.?
x bole lak.
kang jd len.
Posted by nomal at 8:30 AM
hari pendaftaran
seawal pkul 6 ak da bngun da.
punye la smgt.
ta pnh2 nk bngun awl lpas abis skola lu.
last check document yg nk kne bwak.
baju2 cukop ke x.
thn dgr ceramah dari mak ak luh.
kul 8pg ak g sarapan luh.
kat gerai kawn mak ak.ak bantai roti canai 3 keping.
bia x lapa.
tetiba je hp ak berbunyi.
kawan kelas ak time form 3 kol.
nomal:waalaikumsalam.apehal kol ak pepagi nih.?
fad:ahahaha.ad la.ko nk tau x.?ak dpt msuk 1 poli ngn ko.ko gerak kul bpe.?
nomal:ahhaha.eh mne ko tau ak msuk poli mne.?ak gerak st g kot.tgh mkn nih.
fad:ad la.infomer ak kasi tau.weh ak sje je kol ko nih.da lme an x dgr cite.ak skng da sampai dpn mid.jem r jalan kat federal..
nomal:ahahha.informer mne lak.?haih.ko yg gerak awal pon tesangkut kat federal.?pdan muke.
fad:ahaha.oke la.nnty da smpai roger ak au.!
ridu gila ak kat die.
nk tau.?
die uh gay patner ak dalm kelas n time tution dulu.
9.30 pg ak gerak ke politeknik shah alam.
spnjang pejalanan ak dok diam je.
piki nk jd ape.
10.15 ak sampai.
x de r jem pon.
ramai gila org owh.
sampai2 ak trus roger fad.
die kate die kat kawasan pndaftaran.
dalam hati ak.
lega la sikit.
sbb ad kawan.
selesai je pndaftaran.
kami sume diberi kunci bilik masing.
ak pon cari la.
bilik aku dakat.
blok aman 3-aras 1-no 36.
cri punye cri.
last2 jumpe.
tgok2 da ad org dlm bilik.
ak pon bwat x tau je.
ak sdekah snyum je kat dorng.
lagi pon family dorng ad skali.
tgh aku duduk2.
ak tringat lak.
ak lupe beli bantal n cadar.
lg la kne ceramah ngn mk ak lagi.
lpas abis bwat sume urusan n shoppin brng2 kat giant.
ak msuk balik hostel.
mak ak kate.
die da pnt dah.
nk balik.
ak pon kate balik r.
x an nk tdow sini kot.?
x pasal2 mak aku cubit ak.
mnje x.?
Posted by nomal at 11:57 PM
ak dpt tawaran msuk poli.
sijil kejuruterann mekanikal.
knape sijil.?
mak ak kate sbb ak bnyk main.
sbb tuh dapat sijil.
Posted by nomal at 11:51 PM
your call
Waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry
Call I'm desperate for your voice
Listening to the song we used to sing
In the car, do you remember
Butterfly, Early Summer
It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet
Like when we would meet
Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight
Stripped and pollished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
Cause every breath that you will take
When you are sitting next to me
Will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy?
(What's your, what's your...)
Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight
And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)
Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight
Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight
Posted by nomal at 1:17 PM